The system is applied to bar surface inspection at temperature 700-1200℃. Based on the actual situation of production site and in the light of original production equipment, using the machine vision technology to form a annular measurement field thro…... [ DETAILS ]
Based on the space photographic image measurement technique of CCD solid camera and the laser measurement technology and without changing the original device, the testing slab digital images were transferred into the computer through CCD cameras. The …... [ DETAILS ]
The system is applied to slab surface inspection at 700-1200℃. Based on the actual situation of the production site and in the light of original production equipment, using the machine vision technology to form a annular measurement field through mul…... [ DETAILS ]
The system is suitable for measurement of finishing section in medium plate production line. The laser projection technology and the CCD Photogrammetry are applied to complete width, length, and flatness measurement of steel plate. The application of …... [ DETAILS ]
Steel surface quality detection system is based on photogrammetry and digital image processing technology, applying laser velocimetry technology and photogrammetry technology to complete defect detection of upper and lower sides of steel plate. In the…... [ DETAILS ]
In the basis of without changing the original equipments and steel straightening process, the system adopts the CCD area array camera space photographic image detection technology, and use laser triangulation principle to transfer images of testing pl…... [ DETAILS ]
The system uses digital image processing and photogrammetric techniques to count rod bundles before warehousing. In the process of practical measuring, the images of rod bundle profile are collected and transferred to computer. The computer uses image…... [ DETAILS ]
This system is effective in slag operation at the time of the converter producing steel, to prevent slag into the molten steel in subsequent process, and which is an important tool to ensure the quality of molten steel. It can reduce the steel rephosp…... [ DETAILS ]
Bulk yard measurement has been a problem plagued people for hundred years, industries of power generation, metallurgy, ports and others are helpless in facing of mountains of coal, ore and grain. From last century, Point Line Technology Co. has been a…... [ DETAILS ]
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