Bulk yard measurement has been a problem plagued people for hundred years, industries of power generation, metallurgy, ports and others are helpless in facing of mountains of coal, ore and grain. From last century, Point Line Technology Co. has been a…... [ DETAILS ]
Fiber grating perimeter intrusion alarm system is a specially developed new product with international advanced level in perimeter guard arena, and which against the situation of alarm error and addressing difficulty of current market perimeter techno…... [ DETAILS ]
The system uses a unique optic signal transmission technology to take advantages of fiber grating sensors and to adopt a wavelength sensing mechanism for distributed online testing of a variety of physical parameters. In combination with mechanical en…... [ DETAILS ]
Optical fiber temperature measurement system is the world’s most advanced and effective continuous distributed temperature monitoring system. It has been widely used in electricity system for real-time online temperature monitoring of power cable lin…... [ DETAILS ]
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