Might a car seat be designed in such a way to help prevent the tragic deaths of babies left in hot cars? A new seat designed to avert tragedies resulting from babies left in overheated cars is from Evenflo, which lists the retail price of its seat solutio ... [ DETAILS ]
Visionect, which is in the business of helping companies build electronic paper display products, announced that Sydney has launched e-paper traffic signs. The traffic signage integrates displays from US manufacturer E Ink and a platform for managing the ... [ DETAILS ]
The IBM Watson super-brainy computing technology, which has helped organize massive data as well as beaten champions on the Jeopardy TV show, is now learning Japanese.IBM Watson, a unit of the U.S. technology and consulting company, said Thursday it was w ... [ DETAILS ]
Photos. Messages. Bank account codes. And so much more—sit on a persons mobile device, and the question is, how to secure them without having to depend on lengthy password codes of letters and numbers. Vendors promoting other solutions are all around, inc ... [ DETAILS ]
Try on any virtual reality headset and within a few minutes the sense of wonder might wear off and leave you with a headache or a topsy-turvy stomach.Computational imaging experts say thats because current virtual reality headsets dont simulate natural 3D ... [ DETAILS ]
A team from the Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory at Tokyo University and Tokyo Electron Device (TED) have come up with a prototype of a high-speed projector called "DynaFlash" which can project 8-bit images up to 1,000fps with 3ms delay. DynaFlash i ... [ DETAILS ]
SpaceVR is a virtual reality platform set to share live 3D, 360 degree content from the International Space Station (ISS) so that anyone with virtual reality gear can feel like an astronaut. The company was founded in January this year by Ryan Holmes, CEO ... [ DETAILS ]
A veteran computer scientist hates sitting in his car at stop lights, so he creates software that makes the experience less annoying. A former engineering professor wants to double the range of todays electric vehicles. And an aeronautics expert believes ... [ DETAILS ]
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